Happy 2022 everyone 🎉 and thanks for installing the latest update for Moji (v2.1.2)!
On very active teams is kind of difficult to catch up with the latest emojis being added to the team library by everyone. So to make things a bit easier Moji has created the #emoji-announcements channel.
Through it, Moji will…
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Slack has introduced a lot of cool features since Moji was launched a while a go and it is now time to catch up.
The amount of commands has been reduced and condensed so it is easier to ask commands to Moji.
Taking advantage of Slack's redesigned message blocks…
Curious on how others are using emojis?
Well now you can ask Moji to show you your teammates' given and received emojis with two new commands
Emojis given by a teammate
@moji show the emojis given by @username
Emojis received by a teammate
@moji show the emojis received by @username
Remember you can always combine these with filters
@moji show the emojis received by @gary on this month @moji show the emojis given by @hector on this channel
@moji show the emojis received by @gary on this month
@moji show the emojis given by @hector on this channel
Want to know more? type the help command
@moji help
And Moji will tell you more! 🤓