The default user agent has been changed to Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; FastCron/1.0; You can also update the user agent in the Send HTTP request section when adding/editing cron jobs.
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; FastCron/1.0;
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Team members that haven't logged in for 6 months are now marked as inactive. If you are having too many team members, it's recommended to remove the inactive team members from your account.
If your cronjob is executed multiple times but only works the first time, it may be caused by your website cache. You may see some HTTP headers like
x-cache: HIT
x-origin-cache-status: HIT
To prevent FastCron from hitting your website cache, add the __random__ keyword to your cronjob URL, e.g. from to Every time your cronjob executes, it will replace __random__ with a random string.
FastCron will now automatically detect such cases, and offer to fix them for you with just one click.
You can now run another cronjob after a cronjob's successful execution. You should also disable the target cronjob if you want it to completely depend on the source cronjob.
This will double the daily execution count in the source cronjob. The feature is available in the Business plan only.
When updating your account plan, you can change the billing cycle from monthly to annually/yearly or vice versa.